SCHEMA Hub Official Launch Event

A gathering of the SCHEMA team and strategic partners at the Hub's official launch event in September 2024

The SCHEMA Hub team gathered at the launch event


The official launch of the Sustainable Chemicals and Materials Manufacturing Hub was held in the University of Oxford’s Department of Chemistry on the 18 September 2024. The event brought together academics and industry representatives from across our university, industry, civic, and technology translation partners.



Prof. Charlotte Williams, SCHEMA Hub Director, presented an overview of the Hub, outlining its core operating principles and vision for transforming the UK chemicals industry, as well as a breakdown of SCHEMA’s five interlinked research work packages and how partners can engage through different research mechanisms and events.
Professor Charlotte Williams presenting at the SCHEMA launch event

Prof. Charlotte Williams outlines the vision and aims of the SCHEMA Hub


Breakout sessions faciliated discussion about challenges and opportunities

Breakout sessions facilitated discussion about challenges and opportunities

Attendees then had the opportunity to discuss challenges and priorities in sustainable chemicals and materials manufacturing during structured breakout sessions, identifying focus areas for research and innovation as well as key requirements for the training and development of the next generation of future leaders.