Challenge Workshop: Sustainable Plastics and Elastomers

Workshop recap...

The recent January SCHEMA Hub workshop brought together more than 25 leading academics and industry experts to explore the future of elastomer and plastics sustainability.

The discussions considered the design and manufacturing of elastomer and plastic materials across a variety of key end-use sectors such as transportation, energy generation and storage, and the built environment.

The SCHEMA team and strategic partners gathered for a workshop

Workshop attendees hear from the SCHEMA team and strategic partners


Professor Matt Davidson discusses polymer sustainability

Participants had the opportunity to hear from SCHEMA researchers and partners, who shared insights into their current operations and the challenges they face in developing and utilizing sustainable elastomer and plastic materials. The collaborative atmosphere facilitated open discussion and knowledge exchange between academia and industry on the pressing issues in the field.


A primary focus of the workshop was identifying the critical challenges and technological gaps that hinder progress in sustainable materials.

Short technology briefings (TechTalks) from academics and industry partners highlighted key research and manufacturing capabilities, innovation opportunities, and the perspectives from several sectors.

Breakout sessions facilitated more in-depth discussions and highlighted areas where joint research and development efforts between SCHEMA and its partners could drive innovation.

The workshop aimed to lay the groundwork for future collaborative projects, with the ultimate goal of developing novel technologies and facilitating the commercialization of cutting-edge research.

Dr Rachel Holland (Polestar) gives a perspective from the automotive industry